All You Need To Know About Dating Gamers

Dating a gamer, it can be a mission in itself but a really fun one. Whether you are into gaming yourself in real life or you like to sit back and watch, our top 4 things you should know about dating someone who spends a lot of time playing video games, whether they are pc gamer, console gamer, retro or casual it is all the same. This will give you an insight (pros and cons) into what to expect in a relationship with a gamer partner

1) If You Play Co-Op, You’re A Keeper!

We all love it when our other halves take an interest in our hobbies, even more so to a gamer. There is nothing worse than when you are knee-deep in a game and your partner nags to stop playing to watch a movie or whatever (we’ve all been there). Finding a game that you and your partner can play together is the first step in bonding over gaming. Whether you spend a couple hours playing Mario Kart or tag team in CoD, this is a good starting point to really level up the relationship

2) Don’t Have Meaningful Conversations During A Game

If you want to talk to your partner about something important, it’s probably best not to do it when they are playing a game. They are not paying attention to you. they are focusing, they are problem solving, and they are in a zone. Whether it’s just a ‘remember to get this from the shop’ or something more serious, it’s definitely not a good idea to tell them while they are getting destroyed in Modern Warfare 2. The level of concentration needed to win at a game is crazy, and they won’t stop until they have their victory. Just try not to get too annoyed if they respond with one-word answers, grab them when they are finished gaming and don’t take it personally.

3) Just One More Game...

It’s a term many gamers have said and do they ever mean it? Probably not. Gaming is addictive. We always thrive to complete the next mission, finish the quest, and get in one more kill. Just try not to put a time scale on the ‘one more game’ meaning. It could mean playing until the next checkpoint, completing a mission, or once they have (finally) beaten a boss. At this point, it is probably best not to be too lenient and let this one slide too often. Your whole evening could be gone because of the time gaming as the quest takes hours, which isn’t fair. Agree on a time to stop playing, whether that be in 10 minutes or an hour. If they value the relationship they will listen to your needs too.

4) Disclaimer - Clothing May Embarrass

This is defo a big 1 for some as cons for dating a gamer. Some gamers love to dress in ‘mainstream’ clothes and some, well, have their own geek fashion trends that they love. You really just have to embrace it, like in every relationship; you will like one shirt but not another. Everyone is unique and you will just have to adapt. Gamers love merch. Whether that be in the form of a t-shirt, hat, wallet, bag, or poster - expect to see some sort of merch in their wardrobe. If you find it cringe then chances are your relationship won’t make it, you can’t change a gamer but if you think it’s cute, then you will be just fine. Some gamers are even into cosplay. Whether they go to comic cons, it’s always a fun activity to join in. If you are feeling extra spicy, then why not dress in your partner's favourite cosplay in the bedroom.

Overall, prepare to come 2nd to game time sometimes and prepare to have to put your foot down in order to get your partner to stop their gaming session. Just remember, it’s always good to take an interest in your partner's gaming habits, so from time to time, why not join in. You never know, you may find yourself getting addicted to gaming too if you aren’t already.

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